The engine then correlates those events and detect patterns and raise alerts given a certain business condition, such as a loan of the same person on two different countries. 然后,引擎能够将这些事件互相关联、侦测符合匹配模式的情况并在一些特定的业务条件被满足时发出警告,例如,同一个人在两个不同的国家申请贷款的情况。
The operation though is likely to raise some uncomfortable questions for the chief as Barcelona are not keen on losing their man in a loan deal. 在具体操作上,很可能会有些令巴萨主席不那么愉快的问题出现,因为巴萨人对租借这种方式不是非常感冒。
Application of the models of identifying and transmitting information can raise the costs of lying and encourage the agents to talk the truth for their own benefits, and as a result can enhance the efficiency of the identifying operation and improve the State-granted Loan in Aid system. 应用信号传递模型和信号甄别模型可以提高说假话的成本并激励代理人从自己的利益出发说真话,提高身份鉴别的效率,从而提高国家助学贷款制度的资助效果。
However, it is difficult to invent on the human capital with low income and poor peasants can't raise a loan because of the constraint of the rural credit market. As a result, the peasants often fall into "the vicious circle of poverty". 然而,农民的收入水平使其难以向人力资本投资,农村信贷市场的约束又使低收入的农民常常举贷无门,因此,农民常常会陷入贫困的恶性循环。
After having entering the mature stage, it should choose to raise the capital from securities business mainly and supplemented by a long-term loan. 进入成熟期以后,该企业应选择上市融资为主、金融机构的长期贷款为辅。
Raise a work efficiency, gradually carried out an expensive state province nation student loan to manage of scientific, information-based, standardize, the norm turn. 提高工作效率,逐步实现了贵州省国家助学贷款管理的科学化、信息化、标准化、规范化。